Figure 4.
N-terminal domains of neurofibromin are monomeric. A, SDS-polyacrylamide gel of purified ABC and ABCD proteins. Size of molecular mass markers are noted in kilodaltons. B, SEC-MALS analysis of ABC (blue) and ABCD (red) fragments. C, sedimentation velocity absorbance c(s) profiles for the ABC protein at 1.1 μm (green), 2.2 μm (red), and 4.5 μm (blue) based on data collected at 280 nm. D, sedimentation velocity absorbance c(s) profiles for the ABCD protein at 1.1 μm (green), 2.1 μm (red), and 4.2 μm (blue) based on data collected at 280 nm. E, Western blotting of immunoprecipitation of differentially epitope-tagged NF1 proteins in HEK293 cells. In this figure, HA-ABCD protein was co-IPed with FLAG-tagged domains as noted. The top two gel sections are lysates purified with anti-FLAG antibodies and probed with antibodies to the HA or FLAG epitopes. The bottom section contains WCL probed with anti-HA antibodies. Molecular mass of standards is noted on the right in kilodaltons. Circled regions are discussed in more detail in the text. EV, empty vector control; FL, full-length NF1.