Table II. Median of overall survival for subgroups and Cox regression analysis.
*Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group performance status (ECOG PS), hormone receptor, maximum size of liver metastasis, presence of extraliver metastasis, serum aspartate transaminase level (AST), serum total bilirubin level (T-bil) and serum lactate dehydrogenase level (LDH) were included in the multivariate Cox regression analysis. Serum alanine aminotransferase level (ALT) was excluded due to multicollinearity between AST and ALT (r=0.623). CI: Confidence interval; HAIC: hepatic arterial infusion chemotherapy; HER2: human epidermal growth factor receptor Type 2; cm: centimeter; Alb: serum albumin level; LLN: lower limit of normal; ULN: upper limit of normal.