Photograph of the skull (A) and explanatory line drawing (B) of the holotype of Allosaurus jimmadseni (DINO 11541). A CT surface scan of a cast of the skull of MOR 693 (C) and explanatory line drawing (D). Also included is a photograph of MOR 693 (E) that includes lense parallax when compared to the CT surface scan (C). Matrix shown as stippled. CT surface scan courtesy Eric Snively and Larry Witmore. Photos by Mark Loewen. Scale bars equal 10 cm. Osteological abbreviations: a, articular; ant, antarticular; aof, antorbital fossa; bs, basisphenoid; ect, ectopterygoid; ep, epipterygoid; f, frontal; j, jugal; l, lacrimal; ls, laterosphenoid; lv, lacrimal vacuity; m, maxilla; mf, maxillary fenestra; n, nasal; nf, narial fossa (external naris); o, orbit; oc, occipital condyle; ot, otoccipital; p, parietal; pa, prearticular; pf, prefrontal; pm, premaxilla; pnf, perinarial fossa; po, postorbital; pop, paroccipital process of the otocippital; pr, prootic; pt, pterygoid; q, quadrate; qj, quadratojugal; sa, surangular; sq, squamosal; so, supraoccipital; stf, supratemporal fenestra; stfo, suprtemporal fossa.