Figure 9. Lateral view of the braincase of the holotype specimen of Allosaurus jimmadseni (DINO 11541).
Photograph of the braincase of DINO 11541 (A) by Serjoscha Evers and explanatory line drawing (B). Matrix shown as stippled. Scale bars equals 10 cm. Osteological abbreviations: bo, basioccipital; bp, basipterygoid process; bt, basal tubera; bs, basisphenoid; cfp, cultriform process of the parasphenoid; CN V, trigeminal foramen; CN VII, facial nerve; l, lacrimal; ls, laterosphenoid; oc, occipital condyle; ot, otoccipital; p, parietal; pfa, prefontal articulation; pop, paroccipital process of the otocippital; ppf, postorbital process of the frontal; ppl, postorbital process of the laterosphenoid; pr, prootic; pt, pterygoid.