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. 2020 Jan 16;7(1):ENEURO.0345-19.2019. doi: 10.1523/ENEURO.0345-19.2019

Figure 4.

Figure 4.

Novel pituicyte markers show higher specificity and robustness compared to previously used markers. A, Violin plots displaying expression distributions of novel pituicyte marker genes in seven pituitary cell types seven clusters. Srebf1, Rax, Scn7a, Adm, Col25a1, and Col13a1 were selected from this single-cell RNA-Seq data and mapped onto the violin plots. The y-axis represents the normalized log-transformed expression of respective genes. Each dot represents a cell and the shape of the violin represents the proportion of cells being enriched compared to the rest of cells in a given cluster. B, Previously published pituicyte markers Apoe, Vim, Gfap, S100β, Gja1 (Cx43), and Vegfa were mapped onto the violin plots within the seven identified cell types. EL, epithelial-like cells; M/m, macrophage/microglia; P, pituicyte; TL, T-cell like; VE, vascular endothelia.