Fig. 3.
Schematic representations and analysis via Western blot of the truncated recombinant rBacCPAH6 toxins. a The scheme were drawn approximately on scale, with amino acids numbered according to their positions in the CPA. Leader peptide (amino acids 1–28) were depicted as shown. The deleted forms of rBacCPAH6 were represented by bars. b Equal quantity of the cellular lysate of each sample harvested 72 h post infection, was loaded, electrophoresed on 12% SDS-PAGE gels and stained with Coomassie blue and analysed in Western blot using an anti-His6-HRP conjugated MAb. Lane 1: rBacCPA250–363H6 (approximately 15 kDa); lane 2: rBacCPA279–363H6 (approximately 11 kDa); lane 3: rBacCPA250–370H6 (approximately 16 kDa); lane 4: rBacCPA279–363H6 (approximately 12 kDa); lane 5: cellular lysate of Sf21 uninfected cells (negative control); lane 6: 100 ng of purified rCPB2Δ1–25-His6 (His6 positive control). The protein molecular weight marker is reported