Figure 3:
The left figure shows pairwise scatterplots of the −log10(p − value) for all SNPs with p – value ≤ 1e − 4 by at least one meta-analysis method for a locus at 27,598,097 – 28,774,081 bp on chromosome 2 associated with triglycerides (11 SNPs total). RE2 is better able to detect this locus at the genome-wide significance threshold of 5e-8 than the trans-ethnic methods (TransMeta, MR-MEGA). The right table shows the summary statistics (effect sizes and p-values) from each ethnic group for the SNP with the lowest p-value by any of the four meta-analysis methods. The meta-analysis p-values for each method are also shown for the leading SNP, with the lowest meta-analysis p-value (by RE2) in bold. Base pair coordinates are in Build 37. See Supplemental Figure S1 and Supplemental Table D.1 for more information about this locus.