Figure 4.
SIRT1 exerted a critical role in miR17HG-mediated effect on DSBs repair. (a) Western blot was performed to detect the expression levels of SIRT1, γH2A.X expression levels and PARP-1 cleavage in cells transfected with siNC or siSIRT1 with or without NCS treatment. (b) Western blot was performed to detect the expression levels of SIRT1, γH2A.X expression levels and PARP-1 cleavage in cells transfected with pReceiver-M02 or SIRT1 transfected cells with or without NCS treatment. (c) The TUNEL assay of cells transfected with siNC or siSIRT1, or pReceiver-M02 or SIRT1 under NCS treatment. (d) The SIRT1 and γH2A.X expression levels in cells cotransfected with siNC/simiR17HG, or pReceiver-M02/SIRT1 under NCS treatment. (e) Representative images of cells stained with DAPI (blue fluorescence) and γH2A.X (red fluorescence) in cells cotransfected with siNC/simiR17HG, or pReceiver-M02 or SIRT1 under NCS treatment. (f) The relative fluorescence intensity of cells stained with DAPI (blue fluorescence) and γH2A.X (red fluorescence) in cells cotransfected with siNC/simiR17HG, or pReceiver-M02/SIRT1 under NCS treatment. Columns, mean of at least three independent experiments; bars, SEM. **, P < 0.01, comparison between two groups as indicated. (g) The TUNEL assay of cells cotransfected with siNC/simiR17HG, or pReceiver-M02/SIRT1 under NCS treatment. (h) The caspase3/7 activity of cells cotransfected with siNC/simiR17HG, or pReceiver-M02 or SIRT1 under NCS treatment. Columns, mean of at least three independent experiments; bars, SEM. *, P< 0.05, comparison between two groups as indicated.