A) Control for
Figure 2B, dot-blot for validation of chromatin remodellers factor specifically recruited at TRF1 depleted telomeres. The blot was revealed with a DIG-Alu probe (left panel). ChIP signals were normalised to DNA input (top, right panel) and GFP control and data are represented as relative Alu enrichment ± SEM of 3 independent biological replicates. P values, two-tailed student t-test. Source data are provided as a Source Data File. (
B) Detection of chromatin remodeler factors by ChIP-dot blot analysis in wt (+DMSO) and Aphidicolin treated cells (+Aph) conditions using ChIP grade antibodies in MEFs chromatin (left panel). The blot was revealed with a DIG-Tel-C-rich probe. ChIP signals were normalised to DNA input (top middle panel) and GFP control. IgG and TRF2 antibodies were used respectively as negative and positive control for the ChIP experiment (top right panel). Data are represented as telomeric enrichment of proteins relative to DMSO ± SEM of 2 independent biological replicates. P values, two-tailed student t-test (**, p<0.01). (
C) Representative image of Immunofluorescence showing co-localisation of Telomeres (red) with PML (green) in MEFs nuclei (DAPI) treated with DMSO or Aphidicolin. Data are represented as number of Telomeres-PML co-localising foci divided by the total number of PML present per nucleus (n > 100 nuclei) and three independent biological replicates are shown in a violin plot, where the median is underlined in red and quartiles in white (left graph). Number of total PML foci per nucleus from three independent biological replicates are shown in a violin plot, where the median is underlined in red and quartiles in white (right graph). P values, two-tailed student t-test (*, p<0.05; ****, p<0.0001). Source data are provided as a Source Data File.