Fig. 7. iHGG tumors confirm features characteristic of patient tumor samples.
PTEN−/−;NF1−/− (a) and TP53−/−;PDGFRAΔ8–9 (b) secondary tumors. UMAP plot color-coded by samples (top left) or by Louvain clustering (top right). Sample distribution found in each Louvain cluster, color-coded by sample identity (bottom left) and Louvain cluster distribution per sample, color-coded by cluster identity (bottom right). GBM molecular subtype analysis based on average gene expression of individual cells in each Louvain cluster for PTEN−/−;NF1−/− (c) and TP53−/−;PDGFRAΔ8–9 (d) tumors. For PTEN−/−;NF1−/− (e) and TP53−/−;PDGFRAΔ8–9 (f) tumors, stemness scores were calculated for each cell and results overlaid on a UMAP plot (top left) or summarized as violin plots for each cluster (top right). Cells were categorized based on their cell cycle status (G1, G2M or S), overlaid on a UMAP plot (bottom left) and their distribution was calculated for each Louvain cluster (bottom right).