Fig. 6. Non-trivial dynamics of magnetization and AC susceptibility measurements around .
a Magnetic relaxation at different temperatures reveals a relaxation time on the order of minutes. The inset shows the point on the hysteresis loop where the field ramp was paused ( mT), and the relaxation measurement was taken (marked with an arrow). After a period of 30 min, the field sweep was resumed, saturating the magnetization to the maximum value for the specific temperature. b–e AC susceptibility measurements acquired with zero applied DC field and an oscillating field of 6.2 Oe, showing real and imaginary components of the signal at (b, c) and (d, e). Peak shifts by ~0.2 K per decade frequency at and 1 K at . Smoothed curves are guides for the eye. curves have been vertically offset for clarity. Inset of b shows smoothed curves overlaid as a visual aid for the observed frequency dependence.