fNIRS results (bar plots). Statistically significant differences for the factors PREPOST, TRAIN and LEGALITY in [oxy-Hb] (red) and [deoxy-Hb] (blue). The factor DAY was involved in significant interactions (see Table 1, lower part) but did not yield statistically significant results in the post-hoc tests. Note that a larger increase in [oxy-Hb] and a larger decrease in [deoxy-Hb] are expected over an activated cortical area. PREPOST (upper row): after the training pseudowords elicited larger amplitudes for the [deoxy-Hb] responses. An inverse response direction was seen for [deoxy-Hb] over the left temporal ROI. Overall, the effect was left lateralized. TRAIN: bilateral ROIs showed larger response amplitude for trained when compared to untrained items, an effect partially reflected in the [oxy-Hb] responses. LEGALITY: a less robust difference between legal when compared to illegal items was demonstrated over left temporal ([oxy-Hb]) and right fronto-temporal ([deoxy-Hb]) ROIs. FRONT: frontal ROI; FRTMP: fronto-temporal ROI; TEMP: temporal ROI; TPAR: temporo-parietal ROI. train, LEG, POST, day3 in the bar-plot insets indicate that these comparisons result from interactions and show the comparison for the respective subset of data. Light shaded bars indicate values for pretest, untrained and illegal; right-sided bars show post-test, trained and legal. Scale for [oxy-Hb] is twice larger than that for [deoxy-Hb]. (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)