Figure 4.
PCSK9Qβ‐003 vaccine ameliorated renal lipid deposition and renal fibrosis induced by UUO. A, Histology of the livers stained with H&E, Oil Red O, Masson (bar=100 μm) and PAS (bar=50 μm). B, Representative Oil Red O–stained renal sections, showed that PCSK9Qβ‐003 markedly reduced the renal lipid accumulation. C, Interstitial fibrosis was significantly ameliorated in the PCSK9Qβ‐003 group compared with the other 3 groups. D, PAS analysis showed that GME was reduced by in PCSK9Qβ‐003 group. E through G, The PCSK9Qβ‐003 vaccine significantly reduced the 24‐hour urine protein and blood urea nitrogen of mice compared with the PBS and VLP groups. The creatinine level had a tendency to decrease in the PCSK9Qβ‐003 group (H and I). Renal TC and TG contents. n=6 per group. Data are expressed as means±SEM. BUN indicates blood urea nitrogen; H&E, hematoxylin and eosin; MA, Masson's trichrome; OR, Oil Red O; PAS, periodic acid‐Schiff; PBS, the phosphate‐buffered saline group; PCSK9Qβ‐003, the PCSK9Qβ‐003 vaccine group; Sham, the sham group; TC, total cholesterol; TG, triglyceride; VLP, the Qβ virus‐like particles group.