Characterization of the recombinant zmARG. (A) The arginase activity of recombinant ZMO0423 (zmARG). Left: Comparison of the arginase activity obtained in endpoint assays of the recombinant ZMO0423 protein, the recombinant ZMO1605 (pyruvate dehydrogenase E1 component beta subunit), and the ZMO0684 protein (CRISPR-associated protein Csy3 family). The arginase activity of each sample was calculated using the absorbance measured at 450 nm. Right: The arginase activity of zmARG in the presence of various metal ions or EDTA of 1.0 mM. 3 μM of the zmARG protein was used for assays. (B) Ribbon diagram of the dimeric zmARG structure. Each subunit of the dimeric protein is colored by green and cyan, respectively. Zinc ions are represented by gray balls. Figures were prepared using the PyMOL molecular-graphics program (Schrödinger, LLC). (C) Electrostatic surface representation of the zmARG dimer prepared with PyMOL. Zinc ions are drawn by gray ball.