Inducibility of the reporter gene and its chromatin landscape in embryo, larva and adult of no-repeats, PRExpress and PRExpress III lines. (a) Inducibility of lacZ in no-repeats, PRExpress and PRExpress III lines. In each line, inducibility in larva and adult was normalized to inducibility in embryo (n = 3). (b) H3K27 trimethylation at the positive control Ubx, the negative control Act5C and the lacZ reporter in no-repeats, PRExpress and PRExpress III lines. Values for Act5C and lacZ were normalized to Ubx values at each stage and in each line (n = 5). (c) H3K9 acetylation at Ubx, the positive control Act5C and lacZ (n = 5). (d) H3K4 trimethylation at Ubx, the positive control Act5C and lacZ (n = 5). ChIP experiments presented in (b–d) were performed on non-induced fly samples. Data information: Data are represented as mean ± SD.