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. 2018 Nov 29;12(3-4):143–163. doi: 10.1080/19336934.2018.1549419

Figure 6.

Figure 6.

Mitotic germline eRpL22 paralogue depletion or overexpression affects opposing paralogue expression levels. a) An increase in testis eRpL22 protein levels is observed when eRpL22-like is specifically depleted in the male germline (bam-GAL4-VP16) when compared to control (wildtype). The most notable increase occurs in the unmodified (33kD) species (arrow). Testis eRpL23a levels remain constant. b) qRT-PCR shows a statistically significant increase (average: 31% [1.31 fold change]; range: 17–47%) in testis eRpL22 mRNA levels when eRpL22-like is depleted from the germline. Error bars represent standard error, n = 3, *p < 0.01 according to t-test. c) eRpL22-like overexpression (using an Actin-GAL4 driver) results in a decrease of eRpL22 in the Drosophila testis and bodies compared to controls (wildtype). Significant knockdown is seen in the unmodified (33kD) species of eRpL22 (arrow). FLAG signal confirms the presence of the overexpression construct eRpL22-like-FLAG. Tubulin was used as loading control for testes samples and protein assays were used as a loading control for gonadectomized bodies. d) qRT-PCR shows a statistically significant increase (average: 311% [fold-change 4.11]) in gonadectomized bodies eRpL22-like mRNA levels when eRpL22-like is ubiquitously overexpressed. Error bars represent one standard deviation, n = 3, *p < 0.01 according to t-test. e) qRT-PCR shows a reduction (average: 44% [0.56 fold-change]) in eRpL22 mRNA levels in gonadectomized bodies from ubiquitous overexpression of eRpL22-like. Error bars represent one standard deviation, n = 3. f) qRT-PCR shows a significant reduction (average: 69% [0.31 fold-change]) in testis eRpL22 mRNA levels when eRpL22-like is ubiquitously overexpressed. Error bars represent one standard deviation, n = 9, *p < 0.01 according to t-test g) qRT-PCR shows a significant reduction (average: 53% [0.47 fold-change]) in testis eRpL22-like mRNA levels upon ubiquitous eRpL22-like overexpression. Error bars represent one standard deviation, n = 9, *p < 0.01 according to t-test.