Figure 6.
Relationship between the preferred temporal shift and preferred theta phase of individual p-Speed cells in the hippocampus and entorhinal cortex. Distribution of the preferred theta phase (top) and the relationship between the preferred temporal shift and preferred theta phase (bottom) of individual prospective (pros, red) and retrospective (retro, light green) p-Speed principal neurons (left) and interneurons (right) in CA1 (a), CA3 (b), EC2 (c), EC3 (d), EC2 + EC3 (e), and EC5 (f). Sinusoidal grey lines, idealised theta oscillations recorded from EC3. Watson U2 test, *P < 0.05, **P < 0.01, ***P < 0.001. The size of each circle represents the strength of theta locking (mean resultant length, R) of each neuron.