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. 2020 Jan 29;10:1456. doi: 10.1038/s41598-020-58498-2

Table 1.

Patients characteristics according to subgroups. P-values were obtain with the Chi-square test.

Patients - n° (%) Overall Low SMI NON-Low SMI p-value Low SMD NON-Low SMD p-value
100 50 50 51 49
Age, years
  Range 25–88 27–88 36–86 40–86 27–88
  Median 66 71 70 71 70
  Male 67 (67) 31 (62) 36 (72) 40 (78.4) 27 (55.1)
  Female 33 (33) 19 (38) 14 (28) 11 (21.6) 22 (44.9)
Age (<70 ≥)
  Non Elderly 43 (43) 19 (38) 24 (48) 0.315 21 (41.2) 22 (44.9) 0.7085
  Elderly 57 (57) 31 (62) 26 (53) 30 (58.8) 27 (55.1)
  0–1 59 (59) 22 (44) 37 (74) 0.0324 28 (54.9) 31 (63.3) 0.3977
  ≥2 41 (41) 28 (56) 13 (26) 23 (45.1) 18 (36.7)
Primary tumor
  NSCLC 46 (46) 22 (44) 24 (48) 0.5471 27 (52.9) 19 (38.8) 0.5549
  Melanoma 27 (27) 13 (26) 14 (28) 12 (23.5) 15 (30.6)
  Renal Cell Carcinoma 15 (46) 10 (20) 5 (10) 7 (13.7) 8 (16.3)
  Others 12 (12) 5 (10) 7 (14) 5 (9.8) 7 (14.3)
No. of metastatic sites
  ≤2 55 (55) 26 (52) 29 (58) 0.5485 27 (52.9) 28 (57.1) 0.6744
  >2 45 (45) 24 (48) 21 (42) 24 (47.1) 21 (42.9)
Treatment Line
  First 30 (30) 12 (24) 18 (36) 0.1927 14 (27.5) 16 (32.7) 0.5723
  Non-first 70 (70) 38 (76) 32 (64) 37 (72.5) 33 (67.3)
Type of Immunotherapy
  Anti-PD-1 91 (91) 48 (96) 43 (86) 46 (90.2) 45 (91.8)
  Anti-PD-L1 9 (9) 2 (4) 7 (14) 5 (9.8) 4 (8.2)
BMI (kg/m2)
  Median (range) 25 (17.3–45.2) 24 (16.4–39) 27 (17.1–45) 27 (18–45) 24 (16.4–34)
  Underweight (BMI ≤ 18.5), n°(%) 5 (5) 3 (6) 2 (4) 1 (2) 4 (8.2)
  Normal weight (BMI 18.5 < BMI ≤ 24.9), n°(%) 41 (41) 24 (48) 17 (34) 11 (21.6) 30 (61.2)
  Overweight (25 < BMI ≤ 29.9), n°(%) 33 (33) 17 (34) 16 (32) 23 (45.1) 10 (20.4)
  Obese (BMI ≥ 30), n° (%) 21 (21) 6 (12) 15 (30) 16 (31.3) 5 (10.2)
SMI (cm2/m2)
  Median 48.2 42.7 56.5 49.5 45
  (range) (28.2–95.2) (28.2–56.8) (36.9–95.9) (28.2–85.8) (32.8–95.9)
  Median 30.9 29.9 31.6 23.6 37.9
  (range) (2.3–54.6) (5.9–53.1) (2.3–54.6) (2.3–36.2) (24.2–54.6)