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. 2015 May 21;14:1–7. doi: 10.1016/j.dcn.2015.05.003

Table 2.

Brain regions and MNI coordinates showing significant differences among subtypes. Statistical threshold was set at P < 0.05, with FWE corrected in non-isotropic adjusted cluster level. For multiple comparisons, P value was set at P < 0.0042 with Bonferroni correction.

Contrasts Cluster Size Peak voxel
P value Anatomical region
(voxels) MNI Coordinates
T score
C3 – other clusters 2135 64 −27 −3 4.6 0.001 Middle temporal gyrus
56 −15 0 4.56 Superior temporal gyrus
56 −31 −8 4.14 Middle temporal gyrus
Other clusters – C2 1527 63 −54 −21 4.24 0.004 Inferior temporal gyrus
56 −72 −9 4.17 Middle occipital gyrus
62 −37 −6 4.13 Middle temporal gyrus
Other clusters – C4 1417 62 −24 −6 4.49 0.006 Middle temporal gyrus
56 −15 0 3.97 Superior temporal gyrus
51 −33 −9 3.67 Middle temporal gyrus

Marginally significant.