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. 2019 Dec;5(4):561–583. doi: 10.21037/jss.2019.09.22

Table 2. A summary of the literature review as regards the effect of micro-environment on growth and survival of stem cells.

Reference Type of study Cell source Intervention Outcome
Hudson et al. (98) In vitro hMSCs Hypoxic (5% O2) versus normoxic (21% O2) conditions Hypoxic expansion of human MSCs enhances 3D maturation of tissue engineered IVDs
Adesida et al. (99) In vitro hBM-MSCs Hypoxic conditions (3% O2) versus normoxic conditions (21% O2) Hypoxic conditions augment the chondrogenic potential of hBM-MSCs
Clarke et al. (100) In vitro hAD-MSCs and hBM-MSCs Media supplemented with TGF-β3, GDF5, or GDF6 GDF6 stimulation of AD-MSCs induces differentiation to an NP-like phenotype and results in a more proteoglycan-rich matrix with less stiff composition
Kumar et al. (101) In vitro hMSCs Hypoxic (2% O2) chondrogenic media versus normoxic non chondrogenic media MSCs enhanced differentiation into NP phenotypes with elevated expression levels of aggrecan and collagen II under hypoxic conditions
Elabd et al. (105) Human in vivo study hBM-MSCs Hypoxic (5% O2) conditions MRI radiological evaluation and quality of life questionnaire as an outcome measures showed significant improvement
Stolzing et al. (106) In vitro Rat nonadherent BM-MSCS Different glucose levels in cultures Culture in high-glucose-containing medium had a negative effect on colony formation and differentiation
Liang et al. (107) In vitro hAD-MSCs Age (cells from mature and young male donors), glucose, acidity and osmolarity Low glucose is a positive factor but high osmolarity and low pH are deleterious factors that affect the survival and biological behaviors of hAD-MSCs. Age did not affect the results
Wuertz et al. (108) In vitro Rat BM-MSCs Age (cells from mature and young male donors), glucose, acidity, osmolarity and combined conditions IVD-like glucose conditions stimulated aggrecan and collagen-1 expression. IVD-like osmolarity and pH strongly decreased proliferation and expression of matrix proteins. Osmolarity and pH dominated the effects of glucose
Mavrogonatou and Kletsas (109) In vitro Bovine-NP cells High osmolality
Liang et al. (110) In vitro hAD-MSCs Low glucose, acidity, high osmolarity, and combined conditions Low glucose is a positive factor but high osmolarity and low pH are deleterious factors that affect the survival and biological behaviors of AD-MSCs
Tao et al. (111) In vitro Rat NPCs, NP-MSCs and co-culture High osmolality High osmolarity inhibited cell viability and decreased the expression of aggrecan and collagen II at the mRNA and protein levels
Wuertz et al. (112) In vitro Rat BM-MSCs Acidity Acidity caused an inhibition of aggrecan, and collagen I, as well as a decrease in proliferation and viability and was associated with a change in cell morphology
Purmessur et al. (115) In vitro Porcine NCs Dynamic pressurization NP tissue maturation was induced from dynamic hydrostatic pressurization
Yurube et al. (116) In vitro Rat IVD cells Static pressurization Static compression-induced disc cell death and degeneration
See et al. (117) In vitro Rabbit BM-MSCs Compressive mechanical stimulation Extensive remodeling and ECM production occurred within the simulated IVD-like assembly
Dai et al. (118) In vitro Rats AD-MSCs Dynamic compression and NPCs co-culture Combination of dynamic compression and coculture showed an additive effect on NP-like cell differentiation
Li et al. (120) In vitro Rat NPCs Priming with rGDF-5 rGDF-5 treatment of disc cells from the GDF-5-deficient mice resulted in a dose-dependent upregulation of the aggrecan and type II collagen genes
Chujo et al. (121) In vitro and animal in vivo study (rabbit model) Bovine NP and AF cells, rat
IVD model
rhGDF-5 In vitro, rhGDF-5 increased the DNA and proteoglycan contents. In vivo, the injection of rhGDF-5 improved disc height, MRI scores and histologic grading scores
Stoyanov et al. (123) In vitro hBM-MSCs TGFß or GDF5 or coculture with bovine NPCs. All groups were incubated at low (2%) or normal (20%) oxygen Hypoxia and GDF5 led to directing MSCs towards the IVD-like phenotype
Wehling et al. (127) In vitro hBM-MSCs IL-1beta and TNF alpha Both IL-1beta and TNF alpha inhibited chondrogenesis in a dose-dependent manner
Steck el al. (134) In vitro hBM-MSCs TGF beta-3, dexamethasone, and ascorbate After TGF beta mediated differentiation, MSC adopted a gene expression profile that resembled native IVD tissue more closely than native joint cartilage
Thompson et al. (137) In vitro Canine IVD disc ILGF-1, EGF, FGF, or TGF beta-3 TGF beta-3 and EGF elicited greater proliferative responses than FGF; ILGF-1 produced a marginally significant response in the nucleus and no response in the anulus and transition zone
Walsh et al. (138) In vivo Murine IVD disc GDF-5, TGF beta-3, ILGF-1 or basic FGF A statistically significant increase in disc height 4 weeks after GDF-5 treatment was measured
Li et al. (140) In vitro Rat AF cells BMP-2 BMP-2 increases aggrecan and collagen type II mRNA expression. BMP-2 also up-regulates mRNA expression for BMP-7 and TGF beta-3