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. 2019 Dec;7(23):774. doi: 10.21037/atm.2019.11.43

Table 5. Evaluation of oxidative damage markers in liver tissue using one-way analysis of variance ANOVA.

Sampling site Group GSH [mmol/L] NP-SH [mmol/L] NP-SS-NP [mmol/L] G-SS-NP [mmol/L] MDA [mol/L] 3-NT [µmol/L]
Left lobe V (n=6) 2.268±0.295 15.650±1.993* 0.316 (0.242; 0.399)* 0.094±0.062 36.937±2.581 7.211±0.298*
P (n=6) 1.758±0.235 9.751±1.052* 1.865 (0.995; 3.707)* 0.313±0.196 43.322±5.623 7.628±0.276*
Right lobe V (n=6) 2.302±0.479 13.5673.085* 0.325 (0.220; 0.440)* 0.124±0.105 37.965±3.178 7.448±0.196
P (n=6) 1.989±0.357 10.033±1.671* 1.659 (0.972; 3.129)* 0.329±0.143 43.776±4.511 7.726±0.214

Values are expressed as medians (quartile Q0.25; quartile Q0.75) or as average ± standard deviation, statistically significant differences between groups at a significance level of P<0.05 are marked with *. V, intervention group; P, control group; GSH, glutathione; NP-SH, non-protein thiols; NP-SS-NP, non-protein disulfides; G-SS-NP, glutathione-mixed disulfides; MDA, malondialdehyde; 3-NT, 3-nitrotyrosine.