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. 2020 Jan 15;77(4):359–367. doi: 10.1001/jamapsychiatry.2019.4275

Table. Participant Characteristics by Psychiatric Diagnosis.

Characteristic No. (%)
Participants Without Psychiatric Disorder Diagnosis Participants With Psychiatric Disorder Diagnosis
Anxiety Depression Bipolar Disorder Schizophrenia Personality Disorder Alcohol Use Disorder Drug Use Disorder
Total, No. 2 504 190 68 244 103 814 17 309 4153 29 713 69 116 37 039
Age at first diagnosis, median (IQR), y NA 23.7 (19.9-28.8) 23.1 (19.2-28.2 ) 22.9 (19.3-27.9) 22.5 (19.4-26.6) 21.8 (18.9-26.1) 20.0 (17.4-24.0) 21.3 (18.7-24.9)
Male 1 117 970 (44.6) 27 787 (40.7) 39 448 (38.0) 5844 (33.8) 2753 (66.3) 10 676 (35.9) 38 987 (56.4) 24 161 (65.2)
Female 1 386 220 (55.4) 40 457 (59.3) 64 366 (62.0) 11 465 (66.2) 1400 (33.7) 19 037 (64.1) 30 129 (43.6) 12 878 (34.8)
Birth order
1 1 036 966 (41.4) 28 405 (41.6) 42 922 (41.3) 7438 (43.0) 1696 (40.8) 12 571 (42.3) 27 383 (39.6) 15 270 (41.2)
2 923 286 (36.9) 24 094 (35.3) 36 417 (35.1) 5926 (34.2) 1557 (37.5) 9926 (33.4) 24 931 (36.1) 12 924 (34.9)
3 394 206 (15.7) 10 680 (15.6) 16 712 (16.1) 2720 (15.7) 575 (13.8) 4767 (16.0) 11 415 (16.5) 5899 (15.9)
≥4 149 732 (6.0) 5065 (7.4) 7763 (7.5) 1225 (7.1) 325 (7.8) 2449 (8.2) 5387 (7.8) 2946 (8.0)
Immigrant background
No 2 280 324 (91.1) 61 158 (89.6) 93 885 (90.4) 15683 (90.6) 3551 (85.5) 26 590 (89.5) 62 708 (90.7) 31 955 (86.3)
Yes 223 866 (8.9) 7086 (10.4) 9929 (9.6) 1626 (9.4) 602 (14.5) 3123 (10.5) 6408 (9.3) 5084 (13.7)
Parental income in bottom decile
No 2 273 931 (90.8) 58 879 (86.3) 89 318 (86.0) 14 708 (85.0) 3247 (78.2) 24 236 (81.6) 58 960 (85.3) 29 659 (80.1)
Yes 230 259 (9.2) 9365 (13.7) 14496 (14.0) 2601 (15.0) 906 (21.8) 5477 (18.4) 10 156 (14.7) 7380 (19.9)
Low parental education level
No 2 323 875 (92.8) 62 116 (91.0) 95 145 (91.6) 16 020 (92.6) 3727 (89.7) 26 820 (90.3) 62 947 (91.1) 33 018 (89.1)
Yes 180 315 (7.2) 6128 (9.0) 8669 (8.4) 1289 (7.4) 426 (10.3) 2893 (9.7) 6169 (8.9) 4021 (10.9)
Parental lifetime violent crime conviction
No 2 349 118 (93.8) 60 514 (88.7) 91 719 (88.3) 15 272 (88.2) 3595 (86.6) 25 026 (84.2) 58 678 (84.9) 29 158 (78.7)
Yes 155 072 (6.2) 7730 (11.3) 12 095 (11.7) 2037 (11.8) 558 (13.4) 4687 (15.8) 10 438 (15.1) 7881 (21.3)
Parental lifetime psychiatric morbidity
No 1 920 673 (76.7) 42 344 (62.0) 62 145 (59.9) 9606 (55.5) 2305 (55.5) 16 226 (54.6) 41 781 (60.5) 19 132 (51.7)
Yes 583 517 (23.3) 25 900 (38.0) 41 669 (40.1) 7703 (44.5) 1848 (44.5) 13 487 (45.4) 27 335 (39.5) 17 907 (48.3)
History of violence
None 2 442 123 (97.5) 62 987 (92.3) 96 599 (93.1) 16 123 (93.1) 3724 (89.7) 26 444 (89.0) 60 643 (87.7) 28 351 (76.5)
Subjected to violence only 28 305 (1.1) 1966 (2.9) 2856 (2.8) 513 (3.0) 77 (1.9) 959 (3.2) 2960 (4.3) 1934 (5.2)
Perpetrated violence only 30 279 (1.2) 2774 (4.1) 3714 (3.6) 578 (3.3) 317 (7.6) 1982 (6.7) 4518 (6.5) 5677 (15.3)
Both subjected to violence and perpetrated violence 3483 (0.1) 517 (0.8) 645 (0.6) 95 (0.5) 35 (0.8) 328 (1.1) 995 (1.4) 1077 (2.9)

Abbreviation: IQR, interquartile range.