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. 2019 Dec 20;180(3):347–355. doi: 10.1001/jamainternmed.2019.5970

Table 1. Characteristics of Veterans Hospitalized With Heart Failure and Pneumonia in the First and Last Years of the Studya.

Characteristic Heart Failure Pneumonia
First Year (n = 20 228)b Last Year (n = 25 003)c First Year (n = 18 049)b Last Year (n = 20 555)c
Age, mean (SD), y 71.3 (11.5) 71.9 (11.2) 69.9 (12.6) 71.6 (12.0)
Male, No. (%) 19 944 (98.6) 24 566 (98.3) 17 546 (97.2) 19 872 (96.7)
Primary diagnosis of sepsis/RF, No. (%) NA NA 1958 (10.8) 6828 (33.2)
Claims-based comorbid conditions, No. (%)
Percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty 1718 (8.5) 3105 (12.4) 737 (4.1) 1160 (5.6)
Coronary artery bypass graft 4454 (22.0) 4826 (19.3) 1471 (8.2) 1492 (7.3)
Congestive heart failure 15 986 (79.0) 20 353 (81.4) 4951 (27.4) 6266 (30.5)
Acute myocardial infarction 1552 (7.7) 2096 (8.4) 496 (2.7) 609 (3.0)
Ischemic heart disease 2364 (11.7) 3622 (14.5) 749 (4.1) 1103 (5.4)
Chronic atherosclerosis 13 565 (67.1) 16 340 (65.4) 6522 (36.1) 7506 (36.5)
Cardiorespiratory failure and shock 2948 (14.6) 5832 (23.3) 2628 (14.6) 4752 (23.1)
Valvular/rheumatic heart disease 4612 (22.8) 5892 (23.6) NA NA
Hypertension 17 813 (88.1) 22 463 (89.8) 13 302 (73.7) 15 623 (76.0)
Stroke 2044 (10.1) 2703 (10.8) 1622 (9.0) 1893 (9.2)
Cerebrovascular NA NA 1898 (10.5) 2290 (11.1)
Renal failure 9683 (47.9) 13 885 (55.5) 4381 (24.3) 6678 (32.5)
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease 8764 (43.3) 11 363 (45.4) 8790 (48.7) 10 550 (51.3)
Pneumonia 4379 (21.6) 5911 (23.6) 6536 (36.2) 8306 (40.4)
Malnutrition NA NA 837 (4.6) 1224 (6.0)
Diabetes mellitus with complications 11 978 (59.2) 15 529 (62.1) NA NA
Dementia/senility 2055 (10.2) 2943 (11.8) 2470 (13.7) 3301 (16.1)
Functional disability 1715 (8.5) 2251 (9.0) 1683 (9.3) 1958 (9.5)
Peripheral vascular disease 5986 (29.6) 7716 (30.9) 3864 (21.4) 5028 (24.5)
Cancer 666 (3.3) 1039 (4.2) 1967 (10.9) 2547 (12.4)
Trauma 5498 (27.2) 7586 (30.3) 4992 (27.7) 6042 (29.4)
Major psychiatric disease 2662 (13.2) 3900 (15.6) 3298 (18.3) 4151 (20.2)
Chronic liver disease 1122 (5.5) 2057 (8.2) 1035 (5.7) 1458 (7.1)
Hematological disorder NA NA 498 (2.8) 471 (2.3)
Iron deficiency NA NA 6483 (35.9) 7900 (38.4)
Depression NA NA 4312 (23.9) 5290 (25.7)
Parkinson disease NA NA 444 (2.5) 546 (2.7)
Seizure disorder NA NA 882 (4.9) 992 (4.8)
Lung fibrosis NA NA 1374 (7.6) 1696 (8.3)
Asthma NA NA 995 (5.5) 1229 (6.0)
Vertebral fracture NA NA 205 (1.1) 391 (1.9)
Surgical admission 735 (3.6) 1246 (5.0) 738 (4.1) 936 (4.6)
No. of claims-based comorbidities, mean (SD) 6.0 (2.8) 6.5 (3.0) 5.0 (3.1) 5.5 (3.3)
Clinical variables, mean (SD)
Blood pressure, mm Hgd
Systolic 126.7 (31.0) 130.3 (29.1) 126.6 (23.3) 128.6 (22.5)
Diastolic 83.0 (25.2) 81.4 (21.8) 70.6 (15.4) 71.4 (13.7)
Heart rated 80.1 (18.4) 81.5 (18.8) 90.2 (19.1) 89.9 (18.4)
Respiratory rated 26.0 (33.7) 22.3 (24.8) 21.8 (15.2) 20.2 (7.4)
Oxygen saturation, %d 93.2 (15.0) 94.6 (10.7) 94.3 (7.1) 94.9 (4.0)
Body mass indexd,e 30.9 (8.0) 31.5 (7.9) 27.0 (7.0) 27.5 (7.1)
Sodium, mEq/Ld 138.4 (4.2) 138.3 (4.2) 136.6 (4.8) 136.6 (4.8)
Potassium, mEq/Ld 4.2 (0.6) 4.2 (0.6) 4.1 (0.6) 4.1 (0.6)
Blood urea nitrogen, mg/dLd 30.4 (17.2) 29.8 (16.9) 23.8 (14.6) 23.9 (14.5)
Creatinine, mg/dLd 1.7 (0.9) 1.7 (0.9) 1.4 (1.1) 1.5 (1.3)
Hematocrit, %d 36.4 (6.0) 36.7 (6.3) 36.4 (6.1) 36.9 (6.4)
Serum glucose, mg/dLd NA NA 136.9 (53.4) 139.8 (54.9)
Inpatient admission 30 d prior, No. (%) NA NA 3342 (18.5) 4288 (20.9)
B-type natriuretic peptide, pg/mLd 1346.7 (1446.4) 1359.8 (1592.0) NA NA
Left ventricular ejection fraction, %d 37.6 (15.6) 38.4 (15.4) NA NA

Abbreviations: NA, not applicable for a given clinical condition; RF, respiratory failure.


Mean (SD) reported for continuous variables; count (rate) reported for categorical variables.


First year, January 2009 to December 2009.


Last year, October 2014 to September 2015.


Summary statistics reported among nonmissing values.


Calculated as weight in kilograms divided by height in meters squared.