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. 2020 Jan 8;3(1):e1918625. doi: 10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2019.18625

Table 1. Patient Characteristics at Time of Inclusion, Stratified by County and Completeness of Follow-upa.

Variable Total With Follow-up Data Without Follow-up Data
Intervention Group Control Group Intervention Group Control Group Intervention Group Control Group
Participants (inclusions in cohorts) 743 524 (100) 841 133 (100) 614 053 (82.6) 698 229 (83.0) 129 471 (17.4) 142 904 (16.9)
Unique individuals, No. 136 541 146 538 90 787 97 900 105 597 115 209
Median No. of cohorts per unique individual 3 3 6 6 1 1
Female 423 960 (57.0) 490 018 (58.3) 351 237 (57.2) 408 151 (58.5) 72 723 (56.2) 81 867 (57.3)
Male 319 564 (43.0) 351 115 (41.7) 262 816 (42.8) 290 078 (41.5) 56 748 (43.8) 61 037 (42.7)
Age, mean (SD), y 64.6 (16.1) 65.7 (15.9) 66.9 (14.3) 68.0 (14.0) 53.6 (19.6) 54.8 (19.7)
Age group, y
18-64 325 201 (43.7) 342 552 (40.7) 235 844 (38.4) 246 258 (35.3) 89 357 (69.0) 96 294 (67.4)
65-79 283 623 (38.2) 327 567 (38.9) 258 089 (42.0) 299 621 (42.9) 25 534 (19.7) 27 946 (19.6)
≥80 134 700 (18.1) 171 014 (20.3) 120 120 (19.6) 152 350 (21.8) 14 580 (11.3) 18 664 (13.1)
BP, mean (SD), mm Hg
SBP 142.1 (20.8) 143.9 (21.4) 144.3 (20.6) 146.2 (21.1) 131.8 (18.4) 132.3 (18.8)
DBP 81.6 (11.2) 80.4 (10.8) 82.2 (11.3) 80.9 (10.9) 78.7 (10.3) 77.7 (9.9)
BP categories, mm Hg
<120 74 416 (10.0) 71 817 (8.5) 47 712 (7.8) 45 132 (6.5) 26 704 (20.6) 26 685 (18.7)
120-129 105 676 (14.2) 106 938 (12.7) 75 758 (12.3) 74 547 (10.7) 29 918 (23.1) 32 391 (22.7)
130-139 137 793 (18.5) 136 889 (16.3) 110 387 (18.0) 109 120 (15.6) 27 406 (21.2) 27 769 (19.4)
140-149 157 489 (21.2) 183 885 (21.9) 134 712 (21.9) 155 846 (22.3) 22 777 (17.6) 28 039 (19.6)
150-159 103 715 (14.0) 124 155 (14.8) 92 956 (15.1) 110 833 (15.9) 10 759 (8.3) 13 322 (9.3)
160-169 80 549 (10.8) 104 102 (12.4) 73 851 (12.0) 95 615 (13.7) 6698 (5.2) 8487 (5.9)
170-179 39 707 (5.3) 50 939 (6.1) 36 989 (6.0) 47 813 (6.9) 2718 (2.1) 3126 (2.2)
≥180 44 179 (5.9) 62 408 (7.4) 41 688 (6.8) 59 323 (8.5) 2491 (1.9) 3085 (2.2)
Diabetes 125 738 (16.9) 165 438 (19.7) 119 564 (19.5) 157 831 (22.6) 6174 (4.8) 7607 (5.3)
Coronary artery disease 101 247 (13.6) 89 538 (10.6) 91 797 (15.0) 81 064 (11.6) 9450 (7.3) 8474 (5.9)
Previous stroke 45 516 (6.1) 45 455 (5.4) 40 608 (6.6) 40 654 (5.8) 4908 (3.8) 4801 (3.4)
Heart failure 34 294 (4.6) 31 352 (3.7) 30 049 (4.9) 26 924 (3.9) 4245 (3.3) 4428 (3.1)
Atrial fibrillation 48 031 (6.5) 45 773 (5.4) 42 972 (7.0) 40 917 (5.9) 5059 (3.9) 4856 (3.4)
Disposable income
Quintile 1 147 231 (19.8) 168 994 (20.1) 120 278 (19.6) 137 352 (19.7) 26 953 (20.9) 31 642 (22.3)
Quintile 2 146 670 (19.8) 169 568 (20.2) 124 485 (20.3) 145 132 (20.8) 22 185 (17.2) 24 436 (17.2)
Quintile 3 147 909 (19.9) 168 301 (20.1) 123 849 (20.2) 142 315 (20.4) 24 060 (18.7) 25 986 (18.3)
Quintile 4 152 823 (20.6) 163 403 (19.5) 125 016 (20.4) 134 854 (19.4) 27 807 (21.6) 28 549 (20.1)
Quintile 5 147 445 (19.9) 168 777 (20.1) 119 600 (19.5) 137 191 (19.7) 27 845 (21.6) 31 586 (22.2)
Civil status
Unmarried 134 047 (18.1) 115 462 (13.8) 90 677 (14.8) 76 071 (10.9) 43 370 (33.7) 39 391 (27.7)
Married 383 364 (51.7) 446 586 (53.2) 325 464 (53.1) 379 781 (54.5) 57 900 (45.0) 66 805 (47.0)
Divorced 84 331 (11.4) 116 983 (14.0) 70 594 (11.5) 97 077 (13.9) 13 737 (10.7) 19 906 (14.0)
Widowed 140 126 (18.9) 159 740 (19.0) 126 384 (20.6) 143 744 (20.6) 13 742 (10.7) 15 996 (11.3)
Educational levelb
Elementary school 159 382 (30.3) 218 097 (38.1) 136 673 (32.6) 185 902 (40.6) 22 709 (21.2) 32 195 (28.0)
Secondary school 249 503 (47.4) 251 135 (43.9) 198 249 (47.2) 194 836 (42.6) 51 254 (47.9) 56 299 (48.9)
University degree 117 790 (22.4) 103 470 (18.1) 84 833 (20.2) 76 823 (16.8) 32 957 (30.8) 26 647 (23.1)

Abbreviations: BP, blood pressure; DBP, diastolic blood pressure; SBP, systolic blood pressure.


Values given as number (percentage) unless otherwise indicated.


Available only for people younger than 75 years.