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. 2020 Jan 15;3(1):e1919316. doi: 10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2019.19316

Table 1. EPAs and Related Supervision Levels.

EPA Supervision Levels
EPA 1: Provide consultation to other health care providers caring for children Level 1: Trusted to observe only
Level 2: Trusted to execute with direct supervision and coaching
Level 3: Trusted to execute with indirect supervision and discussion of information conveyed for most simple and some complex cases
Level 4: Trusted to execute with indirect supervision and may require discussion of information conveyed but only for selected complex cases
Level 5: Trusted to execute without supervision
EPA 2: Provide recommended pediatric health screening
EPA 3: Care for the well newborn
EPA 4: Manage patients with acute, common diagnoses in an ambulatory, emergency, or inpatient setting
EPA 5: Provide a medical home for well children of all ages (entrustment decisions for this EPA may require stratification by age group)
EPA 6: Provide a medical home for patients with complex, chronic, or special health care needs (entrustment decisions for this EPA may require stratification by age group)
EPA 7: Recognize, provide initial management and refer patients presenting with surgical problems
EPA 8: Facilitate the transition from pediatric to adult health care
EPA 9: Assess and manage patients with common behavior/mental health problems
EPA 10: Resuscitate, initiate stabilization of the patient and then triage to align care with severity of illness (entrustment decisions for this EPA may require stratification by two age groups: neonate and non-neonate)
EPA 17: Demonstrate competence in performing the common procedures of the general pediatrician
Level 1: Trusted to observe the EPA
Level 2: Trusted to practice EPA only under proactive, full supervision as a coactivity with the supervisor
Level 3: Trusted to practice EPA only under proactive, full supervision with the supervisor in the room and ready to step in as needed
Level 4: Trusted to practice EPA only under reactive, on-demand supervision with supervisor immediately available and ALL findings double checked
Level 5: Trusted to practice EPA only under reactive, on-demand supervision with supervisor immediately available and KEY findings double checked
Level 6: Trusted to practice EPA only under reactive, on-demand supervision with supervisor distantly available (eg, by phone), findings reviewed
Level 7: Trusted to practice EPA unsupervised
Level 8: Trusted to supervise others in practice of EPA (where supervision means: ability to assess patient and learner needs ensuring safe, effective care and further trainee development by tailoring supervision level)
EPA 11: Manage information from a variety of sources for both learning and application to patient care Level 1: Trusted to perform with direct supervision
Level 2: Trusted to perform with indirect supervision with supervisor checking findings
Level 3: Trusted to perform with indirect supervision with supervisor available for requested help
Level 4: Trusted to perform without supervision
Level 5: Trusted to supervise others
EPA 12: Refer patients who require consultation Level 1: Trusted to observe only
Level 2: Trusted to execute with direct supervision and coaching
Level 3: Trusted to execute with indirect supervision and discussion of information conveyed for most simple and some complex cases
Level 4: Trusted to execute with indirect supervision and may require discussion of information conveyed but only for selected complex cases
Level 5: Trusted to execute without supervision
EPA 13: Contribute to the fiscally sound, equitable and collaborative management of a health care workplace Level 1: Trusted to observe only
Level 2: Trusted to perform with direct supervision and coaching with supervisor verifying work product for accuracy
Level 3: Trusted to perform with supervisor serving as a consultant for all tasks
Level 4: Trusted to perform with supervisor serving as a consultant but only for complex tasks
Level 5: Trusted to perform without supervision
EPA 14: Apply public health principles and quality improvement methods to improve population health Level 1: Trusted to observe only
Level 2: Trusted to contribute with direct supervision and coaching as a member of a collaborative effort to improve care at the institutional level
Level 3: Trusted to contribute without direct coaching as a member of a collaborative effort to improve care at the institutional level
Level 4: Trusted to lead collaborative efforts to improve care for populations and systems at the institutional level
Level 5: Trusted to lead collaborative efforts to improve care at the level of populations and systems at the regional and/or national level
EPA 15: Lead an interprofessional health care team Level 1: Trusted to participate only
Level 2: Trusted to lead with direct supervision and coaching
Level 3: Trusted to lead with supervisor occasionally present to provide advice
Level 4: Trusted to lead without supervisor present but requires coaching to improve member and team performance
Level 5: Trusted to lead without supervision to improve member and team performance
EPA 16: Facilitate handovers to another health care provider either within or across settings Level 1: Trusted to observe only
Level 2: Trusted to execute with direct supervision and coaching
Level 3: Trusted to execute with indirect supervision with verification of information after the handover for most simple and some complex cases
Level 4: Trusted to execute with indirect supervision and verification of information after the handover for selected complex cases
Level 5: Trusted to execute without supervision

Abbreviation: EPA, entrustable professional activity.