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. 2020 Jan 30;2020(1):CD013531. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD013531
Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (Ovid EBMR)
1. exp Pain/
2. (pain* or headache* or migraine* or fibromyalgia* or neuralgia* or colic*).tw.
3. (discomfort* or ache or aching or aches).tw.
4. or/1‐3
5. Crohn Disease/
6. Inflammatory Bowel Diseases/
7. ((Crohn or Crohn*).tw.
8. (inflammatory bowel disease*).tw.
9. (enteritis or ileitis or ileocolitis or colitis).tw.
10. or/5‐9
11. 4 and 10
1. exp Pain/
2. (pain* or headache* or migraine* or fibromyalgia* or neuralgia* or colic*).tw.
3. (discomfort* or ache or aching or aches).tw.
4. or/1‐3
5. Crohn Disease/
6. Inflammatory Bowel Diseases/
7. (Crohn or Crohn*).tw.
8. (inflammatory bowel disease*).tw.
9. (regional enteritis or regional ileitis or terminal ileitis or granulomatous enteritis or ileocolitis or granulomatous colitis).tw.
10. or/5‐9
11. 4 and 10
[Cochrane Handbook RCT filter ‐ sensitivity max version]
12. randomized controlled
13. controlled clinical
14. randomi?ed.ab.
15. placebo.ab.
16. drug therapy.fs.
17. randomly.ab.
18. trial.ab.
19. groups.ab.
20. or/12‐19
21. exp animals/ not humans/
22. 20 not 21
23. 11 and 22
[Wong 2006 – systematic reviews filter – sensitivity and specificity best balance version]
24. meta,pt. or or search*.tw.
25. 11 and 24
26. 23 or 25
PsycINFO (OvidSP)
1. exp Pain/
2. Pain Measurement/
3. Pain Perception/
4. Pain Management/
5. (pain* or headache* or migraine* or fibromyalgia* or neuralgia* or colic*).tw.
6. (discomfort* or ache or aching or aches).tw.
7. or/1‐6
8. Crohn Disease/
9. (Crohn or Crohn*).tw.
10. (inflammatory bowel disease*).tw.
11. (regional enteritis or regional ileitis or terminal ileitis or granulomatous enteritis or ileocolitis or granulomatous colitis).tw.
12. or/8‐11
13. 7 and 12
[Eady 2008 "PsycInfo search strategies" filter – best sensitivity version]
14. control*.tw. OR random*.tw. OR exp Treatment/
15. 13 and 14
AMED (Ovid)
1. (pain* or headache* or migraine* or fibromyalgia* or neuralgia* or colic*).tw.
2. (discomfort* or ache or aching or aches).tw.
3. or/1‐2
4. (Crohn or Crohn*).tw.
5. (inflammatory bowel disease*).tw.
6. (enteritis or ileitis or ileocolitis or colitis).tw.
7. or/4‐6
8. 3 and 7
S1. MH "Pain+"
S2. TI (pain* OR headache* OR migraine* OR fibromyalgia* OR neuralgia* OR colic*)
S3. AB (pain* OR headache* OR migraine* OR fibromyalgia* OR neuralgia* OR colic*)
S4. TI (discomfort* OR ache OR aching OR aches)
S5. AB (discomfort* OR ache OR aching OR aches)
S6. S1 OR S2 OR S3 OR S4 OR S5
S7. MH "Crohn Disease"
S8. TI (Crohn or Crohn*)
S9. AB (Crohn or Crohn*)
S10. TI (inflammatory bowel disease*)
S11. AB (inflammatory bowel disease*)
S12. TI ("regional enteritis" OR "regional ileitis" OR "terminal ileitis" OR "granulomatous enteritis" OR ileocolitis OR "granulomatous colitis")
S13. AB ("regional enteritis" OR "regional ileitis" OR "terminal ileitis" OR "granulomatous enteritis" OR ileocolitis OR "granulomatous colitis")
S14. S7 OR S8 OR S9 OR S10 OR S11 OR S12 OR S13
S15. S6 AND S14
[Wong 2006 "CINAHL therapy studies" filter – best sensitivity version]
S16. MH "prognosis+" OR MH "study design+" OR random*
S17. S15 AND S16
WHO ICTRP Search Portal (Standard search)
pain* AND Crohn* OR
headache* AND Crohn* OR
migraine* AND Crohn* OR
colic* AND Crohn* OR
pain* AND inflammatory AND bowel AND disease OR
headache* AND Inflammatory AND bowel AND disease OR
migraine* AND Inflammatory AND bowel AND disease OR
colic* AND Inflammatory AND bowel AND disease OR
pain* AND enteritis* OR
headache* AND enteritis* OR
migraine* AND enteritis* OR
colic* AND enteritis* OR
pain* AND ileitis* OR
headache* AND ileitis* OR
migraine* AND ileitis* OR
colic* AND ileitis* OR
pain* AND ileocolitis* OR
headache* AND ileocolitis* OR
migraine* AND ileocolitis* OR
colic* AND ileocolitis* (Advanced search)
Condition/ Disease: (Crohn OR Crohns OR Crohn´s OR “inflammatory bowel disease” OR “regional enteritis” OR “regional ileitis” OR “terminal ileitis” OR “granulomatous enteritis” OR ileocolitis OR “granulomatous colitis”)
Other terms: (pain OR pains OR painful OR headache OR headaches OR migraine OR migraines OR fibromyalgia OR neuralgia OR colic OR colics)
Study Type: Interventional Studies