-cell systems; confinement radius
; stiffness parameters
; average polarization field
; maximum cell polarity
; signaling radius
; cytoskeletal update rate
; cell-cell adhesion
; cell-cell dissipation
; cell-substrate dissipation
; cell-substrate adhesion penalty
independent simulations for each set of parameters). For this choice of parameters
-cell populations rotate in the
-phase. We observe a similar behavior here: highly correlated rotations with no changes in rotational direction. (
A) Characteristic observables of collective cell rotation at different values of the cell perimeter stiffness parameter
: mean (
) and standard deviation (
) of the angular velocity magnitude of cell motion, and the standard deviation of the cell perimeter (
). The black line corresponds to a power-law fit of the form
. (
B) Representative angular trajectories and (
C) cell shapes (color code represents cell polarization; cf.
Figure 1) for the different parameter regimes as described in the main text. .