Figure 4. Phases of collective motion.
(-cell systems; confinement radius ; area stiffness ; average polarization field ; signaling radius ; cytoskeletal update rate ; cell-cell adhesion ; cell-cell dissipation ; cell-substrate dissipation ; cell-substrate adhesion penalty (), (); 100 independent simulations for each set of parameters). (A) Characteristic observables of collective cell rotation at different values of the cell perimeter stiffness parameter : mean () and standard deviation () of the magnitude of the cell cluster's angular velocity, and the standard deviation of the cell perimeter (). The statistics of collective cell motion depends only on the ratio of maximum cell polarity, , to cell contractility, (specific polarizability). (B) Representative angular trajectories and (C) cell shapes (color code represents cell polarization; cf. Figure 1C) for the different parameter regimes as described in the main text. The cellular dynamics in the different parameter regimes are shown in Figure 4—video 1, Figure 4—video 2 and Figure 4—video 3.