Figure 2a demonstrates estimates (solid line) and 95% confidence intervals (shaded area) of HCLA by GCIPL thickness, separately for AQP4-ON (blue), MOG-ON (red) and MS-ON (green), derived from generalized estimating equations (GEE) model including ON group, GCIPL thickness and their interaction. Pearson correlation coefficients are shown for each group.
Figure 2b shows, similarly derived, point estimates and 95% confidence intervals of HCLA by group at specific values of GCIPL thickness. P-values are shown for statistically significant comparisons between groups.
Abbreviations: ON: optic neuritis; AQP4-ON: aquaporin-4-IgG seropositive ON; MOG-ON: myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein-IgG seropositive ON; MS-ON: multiple sclerosis ON; CI: confidence interval; GCIPL: ganglion cell+inner plexiform layer; HCLA: high-contrast letter-acuity