A) Z-scores of IC #4 weighted FA for each group. These demonstrate grand average contribution of each FA voxel to the structure-function network identified in IC #4. B) IC #4 weighted ISPC peaked within the a priori temporal region of 400 to 700 ms (magenta lines) and primarily captured left-sided ISPC, which differed between groups. Plots are mean +/− SEM. C) Across varying levels of threshold for the FA weights, FA values correlated with left-sided ISPC but not right-sided ISPC. The difference in correlation between mTBI and control groups was significant for nearly all levels of z-threshold. D) The number of voxels naturally diminished as the discrimination threshold increased, as did the relative number of voxels in the mTBI compared to the control group. E) As the discrimination threshold increased, FA values in IC #4 became increasingly smaller in the mTBI compared to the control group. Plots are mean +/− SEM. ** p<.01, *p<.05