Carnation cultivar |
Test date | Isolate inoculated | Susceptible |
Resistant |
Candela | Baltico | Master | Pink Bijou | Galaxia | ||
June 2016 | Fod 77 HygR | 0.882a | 0.772b | 0.682c | 0.977d | 0 |
Fod 77 HygRHV+ | 0.887a | 0.735b | 0.700c | 0.990d | 0 | |
April 2017 | Fod 77 HygR | 0.427a | 0.417ab | 0.533bc | 0.848d | 0 |
Fod 77 HygRHV+ | 0.328a | 0.552b | 0.551bc | 0.848d | 0 |
yMeans followed by the same letter in each test date are not significantly different according to Fisher’s least significant difference (LSD) (P ≤ 0.05).