Model results including interaction for sex (ref. male), coefficients, and 95% confidence intervals.
Dependent variable | SicknessQ score |
Age | −0.046(−0.127,0.035) |
Below median income | 2.052**(0.417,3.687) |
African American (ref. white) | −0.239(−2.160,1.682) |
Hispanic (ref. white) | 0.758(−1.109,2.625) |
Currently married | 0.300(−1.435,2.034) |
Current feelings of sickness | 0.314(−0.026,0.653) |
Gender role | 0.526**(0.042,1.010) |
Machismo | −0.014(−0.690,0.663) |
Familism | 1.597***(0.653,2.540) |
John Henryism | 0.055(−0.052,0.161) |
God health locus of control | −0.057(−0.161,0.048) |
Individualism | 0.080(−0.566,0.726) |
Collectivism | −0.081(−0.765,0.602) |
Endurance of pain/discomfort | 3.171***(2.282,4.059) |
Taciturnity | 0.055(−0.867,0.976) |
CESD | 0.374***(0.264,0.485) |
Sex | 5.785(−2.270,13.839) |
Age * sex | −0.004(−0.109,0.101) |
Below median income * sex | −0.420(−2.774,1.935) |
African American (ref. white) * sex | −0.985(−3.525,1.554) |
Hispanic (ref. white) * sex | −1.568(−4.057,0.922) |
Currently married * sex | −0.195(−2.463,2.073) |
Current feelings of sickness * sex | 0.105(−0.384,0.593) |
Gender role * sex | −0.390(−1.148,0.367) |
Machismo * sex | −0.519(−1.438,0.401) |
Familism * sex | −1.272**(−2.540,−0.004) |
John Henryism * sex | 0.040(−0.104,0.185) |
God health locus of control * sex | 0.046(−0.088,0.180) |
Individualism * sex | 0.207(−0.602,1.017) |
Collectivism * sex | −0.101(−0.984,0.783) |
Endurance of pain/discomfort * sex | −2.325***(−3.586,−1.064) |
Taciturnity * sex | −0.140(−1.418,1.138) |
CESD * sex | 0.199**(0.045,0.353) |
Constant | −0.752(−6.229,4.724) |
Adjusted R2 | 0.376 |
Log likelihood | −4,391.599 |
Akaike Information Criterion | 8,851.199 |
**p < 0.05; ***p < 0.01.