Fig. 2.
Effect of ketone supplements on isoflurane-induced anesthesia (latency to immobility). Gavage by exogenous ketone supplements (KE, KS, KSMCT, KEKS and KEMCT; group 2–6) significantly increased the latency to anesthetic induction (the time until immobility), compared to control (SD) on the 7th day of gavage (a; the raw data was plotted as filled black triangles to the left of the columns). There was a positive correlation between latency to immobility and blood βHB levels when all data point (b; R2 = 0.2933) or the group means (c; R2 = 0.5553) were considered. Abbreviations: KE, ketone ester; KEKS, mix of KE and KS in a 1:1 ratio; KEMCT, mix of KE and medium chain triglyceride (MCT) oil in a 1:1 ratio; KS, ketone salt; KSMCT, mix of KS and MCT oil in a 1:1 ratio; SD, standard diet/control; *p < 0.05; ***p < 0.001; ****p < 0.0001