Fig. 3.
Forest plots of all methylation markers reported in two or more independent study populations. HRs with a statistically significant association are depicted with a solid line; HRs of reported markers with no significant association are depicted with a dotted line; univariate HRs (a) and confidence intervals (CI) are reported unless multivariate HRs (b) were available. Per marker, if results are derived from the same cohort, but with differing characteristics, such as differing DNA origin or location of methylation, this is represented by a coloured population bar. Per marker, if results originated from the same research group, this is indicated by an asterisk (*). Due to the vast number of individual results for these markers, for visualisation purposes, per marker, this figure shows one result per investigated population and tissue type. For a full representation of markers reported in two or more independent study populations, see Additional file 5: Table S5