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. 2020 Jan 31;15(1):e0228128. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0228128

Table 2. Summary of the means with standard deviations and the statistical tests.

Metric/Participant Healthy DMD
ITR (bits/sec) Mean(±std) 1.9(±0.88) 1.14(±0.75)
Mann-Whitney test p < 0.001
Normalized ITR (%) Mean(±std) 46(±34) 34(±36)
Mann-Whitney test p = 0.004
Workload (-) Mean(±std) 9.9(±5.56) 9.1(±6.15)
Mann-Whitney test p = 0.303
Metric/Session 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
ITR (bits/sec) Mean(±std) 1.9(±0.88) 2.3(±1.04) 2.5(±1.21) 2.7(±1.31) 2.8(±1.41) 2.9(±1.48) 3.0(±1.53)
Comparisons 1-2 2-3 3-4 4-5 5-6 6-7 -
Wilcoxon signed-rank test p < 0.001 p = 0.007 p = 0.013 p = 0.007 p = 0.014 p = 0.094 -
Normalized ITR (%) Mean(±std) 1.9(±0.67) 2.3(±0.81) 2.5(±0.92) 2.7(±1.03) 2.8(±1.16) 2.9(±1.15) 3.0(±1.12)
Comparisons 1-2 2-3 3-4 4-5 5-6 6-7 -
Wilcoxon signed-rank test p < 0.001 p = 0.084 p = 0.014 p = 0.009 p = 0.161 p = 0.173 -
Workload (-) Mean(±std) 9.9(±5.56) 8.9(±6.03) 8.3(±5.86) 7.6(±5.40) 7.2(±5.16) 7.2(±5.28) 6.6(±5.18)
Comparisons 1-2 2-3 3-4 4-5 5-6 6-7 -
Wilcoxon signed-rank test p = 0.001 p = 0.075 p = 0.002 p = 0.05 p = 0.895 p = 0.005 -

Bold p-values indicate a significant difference at the p = 0.05 level.