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. 2019 Oct 20;4(1):149–158. doi: 10.1093/tas/txz167

Table 4.

Effect of harvesting pea hay (Pisum sativum L.; c.v. CDC Horizon) at EARLY, MID, and LATE maturities on body weight, DMI, and eating behavior for yearling beef heifers

Variable EARLY1 MID LATE SEM P-value
Body weight, kg
 Initial 346 343 343 17.2 0.66
 Final 368 366 366 19.3 0.91
DMI (total diet), kg/d 8.5 8.3 9.1 0.52 0.59
DMI (pea hay only), kg/d 3.0 3.3 3.4 0.22 0.54
 Eating time, min/d 442 479 484 15.4 0.17
 Eating time, min/kg DM 53.9 58.2 53.3 4.65 0.69
 Eating time, min/kg aNDFOM 127.7 130.5 148.0 11.04 0.095
 Ruminating time, min/d 403a 366b 321c 7.7 <0.001
 Ruminating time, min/kg DM 49.3a 44.3ab 36.4b 3.63 0.016
 Ruminating time, min/kg aNDFOM 116.6a 98.8b 97.4b 7.77 0.006
 Drinking time, min/d 8 10 11 21.3 0.91
Sorting index2 %
 > 19 mm 114.85 101.24 99.52 4.616 0.089
 < 19, > 8 mm 101.80 100.38 98.80 5.480 0.62
 < 8, > 4 mm 61.25b 99.8a 101.89a 9.249 0.024
 < 4 28.54b 95.30a 94.27a 14.34 0.017

1Harvest maturities consisted of EARLY (plants with flat pods at one or more nodes), MID (filled pods at one or more nodes and leaves that were turning from green to gold), and LATE (yellow dry seeds filled pods on most nodes, and the leaves and pods were yellow).

2Sorting index was calculated as (actual consumed)/(theoretical consumed) × 100, as described by Leonardi and Armentano (2003).

abcMeans within a row with uncommon superscripts are different (P < 0.05).