Figure 1. Strategies to mitigate the global syndemic.
There are several triple-duty solutions to the global syndemic of obesity, undernutrition, and climate change. Solutions include elimination of subsidies for commodity crops, which will increase the price of beef, reduce demand, decrease beef production, and prevent obesity, colon cancer, and cardiovascular disease. Reduced beef production will also reduce the generation of greenhouse gases (GHGs), which will preserve the nutrient content of crops and reduce food insecurity. Changes in urban design to reduce car use and increase physical and public transport will increase physical activity, prevent obesity, and reduce GHGs. However, these scenarios are disruptive and have already encountered political inertia and strenuous resistance by powerful vested industries. The foundation for federal policy change must begin locally with awareness of the links between our current dietary and activity practices and build from individual behavioral change to changes in our hospitals, schools, and municipal governments. Urgent action is required now to preserve human and planetary health.