Figure 1. Hematological effects of the BMT preparative regimen.
Mean of (A) WBC, (B) hematocrit, (C) platelets, (D) CD4+ T cells, (E) CD8+ T cells, (F) and NK cells at different time points after BMT in recipients receiving a nonmyeloablative conditioning regimen. Each colored line represents a different group based on the immunosuppressive therapy (CyA or rapamycin) and the administration of Tregs: Group A [green], CyA and Tregs (n=4); Group B [blue], CyA (n=3); Group C [red], rapamycin and Tregs (n=9); Group D [black], rapamycin (n=5). NK cell data is only available for the rapamycin-treated recipients. Dotted lines represent normal ranges.44