Table 1.
Pros and cons of moderating techniques
Moderating techniques | Pros | Cons |
Concurrent think aloud (CTA) |
Understand participants’ thoughts as they occur and as they attempt to work through issues they encounter Elicit real-time feedback and emotional responses |
Can interfere with usability metrics, such as accuracy and time on task |
Retrospective think aloud (RTA) | Does not interfere with usability metrics |
Overall session length increases Difficulty in remembering thoughts from up to an hour before = poor data |
Concurrent probing (CP) | Understand participants’ thoughts as they attempt to work through a task | Interferes with natural thought process and progression that participants would make on their own, if uninterrupted |
Retrospective probing (RP) | Does not interfere with usability metrics | Difficulty in remembering = poor data |
Reproduced with the kind permission of Dr Jennifer Romano Bergstrom [67]