Figure 2.
Bioapatite δ13C (‰, VPDB) values of 10 orders of herbivore and carnivore mammals from the La Pampa and Buenos Aires provinces between the Late Miocene (Chasicoan) and the Late Pleistocene (Lujanian). (A) Rodentia, (B) Notoungulata, (C) Litopterna, (D) Pilosa, (E) Cingulata, (F) Proboscidea, (G) Perissodactyla, (H) Artiodactyla, (I) Sparassodonta, (J) Carnivora. The grey bars represent the vegetation δ13C cut-off values between a C3-dominated diet, an intermediate C3-C4 diet, and a C4-dominated diet. The lightest grey denotes a ε*diet-enamel of +14.1‰21, whereas the darkest one corresponds to a ε*diet-enamel of +12.8‰ for rodents22, and ε*diet-enamel of +15.6‰ for xenarthrans23. Sparassodonts and carnivorans show raw δ13C data (solid symbols) and δ13C data corrected for the trophic offset (open symbols), adding 1.3‰ to the raw values24. Locality abbreviations are the same as in Fig. 1. *Late Pleistocene (Lujanian) perissodactyl samples come from Luján, Río Salado, Arroyo Tapalqué, Cascada del Paleolama, Zanjón Seco, Paso Otero and Arroyo Chasicó localities (Supplementary Table S1). **Late Pleistocene (Lujanian) artiodactyl samples come from Playa del Barco, Santa Rosa, Cascada del Paleolama and Paso Otero localities (Supplementary Table S1). Zig-zag lines in the chronology tables denote non-represented ages: the Montehermosan is followed by the Chapadmalalan, the Marplatan, the Ensenadan, the Bonaerian, and the Lujanian.