Table 26.
Olanzapine for children and adolescents with avoidant/restrictive food intake disorder
Certainty assessment | Impact | Certainty | Importance | ||||||
№ of studies | Study design | Risk of bias | Inconsistency | Indirectness | Imprecision | Other considerations | |||
Weight (assessed with: lbs), Anxious/Depressive Symptoms | |||||||||
2 | Case Reports | very serious a | not serious | not serious | not serious | none | N = 15 total in two studies. Nine patients aged 9–19 years in this pre- post- study. Rate of weight gain increased significantly with olanzapine treatment from 3.3lbs to 13.1 lbs. All patients were in a residential treatment facility. Another case series of 6 patients indicated all patients gained to their target weight with olanzapine (2.5 to 7.5 mg daily) in combination with SSRIs and family therapy. |
⨁◯◯◯ VERY LOW |
very serious a | not serious | not serious | not serious | none | The Clinical global impressions scale was used to rate anxious/depressive symptoms for 9 patients pre and post. The rating changed from markedly ill to mildly ill. All patients were in a residential treatment facility. |
⨁◯◯◯ VERY LOW |