Fig. 2.
Community structure in women with or without gestational diabetes. For all analyses samples were rarefied to an equal sequencing depth of 10,000 reads prior to principal coordinate (PCo) ordination based on weighted Unifrac distances. a Samples from pregnant women in the 3rd trimester with (n = 50) or without (n = 160) gestational diabetes. Points are individual samples and diamonds represent the average ordination scores and ellipses the 95% confidence intervals of a multivariate normal distribution of either group. R2 and P are from permutational multivariate analysis of variance (PERMANOVA). b Community structure in pregnant women with gestational diabetes diagnosed by fasting hyperglycaemia (n = 25) or stimulated hyperglycaemia (2 h after an oral glucose challenge; n = 8), respectively, or a combination of the two (n = 15). Configuration is similar to panel A. c The association between glycaemic traits and community structure during pregnancy regardless of GDM status as determined by PERMANOVA. Vectors representing direction and magnitude of each trait were fitted onto the 1st and 2nd PCo axes using the envfit function of the vegan R package. d Change in community structure from pregnancy to postpartum. Only samples from women examined at both time points are included (n = 43 and n = 81 for women with and without GDM respectively). R2 and P are from PERMANOVA testing for a difference in community structure between samples collected during the 3rd trimester and those collected postpartum and for a differential change in community structure in women with GDM compared to women without GDM