Fig. 3.
Operational taxonomic units associated with gestational diabetes during the third trimester with and without adjustment for pre-pregnancy bodymass index. a Estimated log2 fold difference in operational taxonomic unit (OTU) abundance between women with gestational diabetes (GDM, n = 50) and women with normal gestational glucose regulation (n = 160) during pregnancy and corresponding Benjamini-Hochberg adjusted P-values (Q) from the DESeq2 R package. Abundance is mean relative abundance of a given OTU. Prevalence is percentage of participants in which a given OTU is detected. Names of OTUs differentially abundant at a 10% false discovery rate are given at the lowest annotated taxonomic level. b Adjusted for pre-pregnancy body mass index in subset of women with available data (GDM, n = 43; normoglycaemic, n = 144)