Figure 9.
Leptin treatment of LD mice confers fertility and milk production yielding milk grossly normal in protein and lipid content A) Left, Mammary gland of wildtype P0 mouse. Scale bar, 1 cm; Right, H&E section of same. Scale bar 50 μm B) Mammary gland of P0 lipodystrophic mouse having received leptin injections during pregnancy. Scale bar, 1 cm; Right, H&E section of same. Scale bar 50 μm C) Thin-layer chromatography of milk from WT and LD mice showed comparable amounts of major milk lipids. D) Coomassie stain of WT and LD milk showing comparable profiles in WT and LD milk. C, cholesterol; CE, cholesterol ester; DAG, diacylglycerol, FA, fatty acid; MAG, monoacylglycerol; SCTG, short-chain triglyceride; TG, triglyceride.