Fig. 2.
16S rRNA gene-based maximum-likelihood tree showing the phylogenetic relationship of strain PX69T to other described Pirellula-related planctomycetes and some environmental clone sequences. Habitats are coded by colored triangles. The clade defined by strain PX69T and ‘Bythopirellula goksoyri’ Pr1dT is depicted with a lilac background. Bootstrap values are depicted as circles (60–100%). The root was composed of nine 16S rRNA gene sequences from 9 described members of the family Pirellulaceae (LWSK01000083, LWSJ01000078, JF748734,JF748733, HQ845500, HE861893, EF589351, CP001848, BX294149). Tree scale, 0.1 substitutions per nucleotide position.