Schematic demonstrating effects of population size and connectivity on transmission dynamics. Number of incident cases (bars) and number of susceptible population (dotted line) in a (A) very large susceptible population that is highly connected, (B) large susceptible population with moderate connectivity, (C) medium-size susceptible population with lower connectivity and (D) in a small susceptible population with low connectivity. (E) The connectivity and susceptible population size of the four populations shown in A–D. Populations are connected to the other populations proportional to the thickness of the arrow and whose susceptible population size is proportional to the size of the dot. Persistence and fade-out are determined by the number of susceptible individuals in the population and contact between susceptible and infected individuals. Therefore, populations with more susceptible individuals experience persistence. After fade-out, successful re-introduction (represented by the red arrow) of infected individuals is determined by connectivity and the size of the susceptible pool. Larger susceptible pools in well-connected populations will likely experience shortened delay between fade-out and successful re-introduction. (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)