Fig. 2.
Medical Co-Morbidity Outcomes and HbA1c Trends 2A. Outcomes of patients’ comorbidities as classified by whether their medical issues remained: Stable (i.e. Diabetes, GERD, HLD, HTN: still requiring medications or OSA still requiring CPAP, NASH: AST and ALT unchanged), Improved (i.e. fewer medications, improved liver function tests), or Resolved (i.e. off medications or CPAP usage). 2B: Outcomes for patients with diabetes: Stable (no change in medications), Improved (off insulin and/or on fewer oral hypoglycemic agents), or Resolved (discontinuation of all diabetes medications). HbA1c Max - maximum preoperative HbA1c level, HbA1c PreOp - immediately preoperative HbA1c level, HbA1c PostOp – postoperative HbA1c level (most recent).