Graphs show that tumor load, proliferation, and microvascularization in
mice undergoing radiofrequency ablation (RFA) are reduced after the
administration of inhibitors of c-Met (ie, PHA) and signal transducer
and activator of transcription 3 (S3I). (a, b) The overall
tumor load of intrahepatic metastases after RFA declined to baseline
with the addition of adjuvant PHA or S3I, compared with that in the
group undergoing RFA alone (P < .05), with an
overall number equivalent to that in the sham group (P
> .05). (c, d) More proliferative tumor cells
developed in mice undergoing RFA than in their littermates in the sham
group (P < .001 for both CT26 and MC38), with
proliferation reduced when RFA was combined with adjuvant PHA or S3I to
an equivalent baseline level of the sham group (P
> .05 for both tumor models). (e, f) Higher
microvascular density was also noted within the tumor in the RFA group
(P < .001 compared with sham for both tumor
models), whereas lower microvascular density was observed when adjuvant
PHA or S3I was administered after RFA and versus RFA alone
(P < .001 for both cell lines), with no
statistical difference from the sham procedure alone (P
> .05 for both cell lines).