Proteasome inhibition increases recruitment and processivity of RNA Pol II.
A, C, and E, genome-wide accumulation of pSer-2 Pol II around TSS and gene body. Heatmap analysis of pSer-2 Pol II signal in cells treated with vehicle (UNTR) or proteasome inhibitor for the region flanking ±5 kb relative to TSS (black arrow) and TTS (red triangle). Gene body regions were split into 100 total bins per gene. Rows represent genes, and Pol II signal is sorted according to fold gene expression for specific time of treatment. A, all expressed genes; C, MG4H DEGs; E, MG24H DEGs. B, D, and F, metagene plot pSer-2 Pol II occupancy indicating proteasome inhibition causes altered processivity of Pol II. B, all expressed genes; D, MG4H DEGs; F, MG24H DEGs. G, H, and I, expanded metagene plots of TTS region ±5 kb shows distinct differences in pSer-2 Pol II occupancy between up- and down-regulated genes.