Table 1. Details of the considered allergenic pollens.
No. | General name | Genus name | Type | Allergenicity |
1 | Alder | Alnus | Tree | High |
2 | Japanese cedar | Cupressaceae* | Tree | High |
3 | Birch | Betula | Tree | High |
4 | Hazelnut | Corylus | Tree | High |
5 | Oak | Quercus | Tree | High |
6 | Elm | Ulmaceae* | Tree | Medium |
7 | Pine | Pinaceae* | Tree | Low |
8 | Ginkgo | Ginkgo | Tree | Low |
9 | Chestnut | Castanea | Tree | Low |
10 | Grasses | Poaceae* | Grass | High |
11 | Ragweed | Ambrosia | Weed | High |
12 | Mugwort | Artemisia | Weed | High |
13 | Japanese hop | Humulus | Weed | High |
*Indicates family name. Note that family names have been presented instead of genus for Japanese cedar, elm, pine, and grasses owing to difficulties in identifying the specific genus of collected pollen.