Effect of badc double mutants on the expression of BADCs and htACCase subunit genes. A, Relative mRNA levels were determined by RT-qPCR. RNA templates for these assays were isolated from 30 d-after-imbibition (DAI) rosettes and 15 DAI roots. Each value is the mean of three biological replicates and represents the relative level of the indicated mRNA in the double mutant in relation to the wild-type (WT) tissues. Error bars indicate the mean ± se. B, Accumulation of BADC proteins and htACCase subunits. The megadalton fraction was isolated from rosettes 30 DAI, siliques 9 d after flowering, and roots 15 DAI from wild type, badc1 badc2 double mutant, and badc1 badc3 double mutant plants. The megadalton fractions were subjected to SDS-PAGE immunoblot analysis. Each membrane was sequentially probed with each of the indicated antisera after the prior visualization reagents were removed; antibiotin serum was used as the terminal visualization reagent. The figure is a representative result of triplicate experiments that were sequentially conducted.